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Substance Use Disorders and Addictions

Substance Use Disorders and Addictions

October 2016 | 344 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Based on a decade of research and theory, Substance Use Disorders and Addictions examines co-occurring psychiatric disorders as the norm with substance use disorders and addictions. With more than 20 years of experience in the field as a clinician, a researcher, a program developer, and an instructor, Keith Morgen encourages a holistic approach to working with individuals, using a single case example throughout the text to encourage the sequential application of concepts to co-occurring disorders. With DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, the 2014 ACA code of ethics, and 2016 CACREP standards integrated throughout, readers will benefit from this applied and cutting-edge introduction to the field.

“Keith Morgen presents an outstanding updated text on substance use disorders where students will be able to better conceptualize treating the substance use disordered client while adhering to common clinical work flows integrating the DSM-5, the ACA’s 2014 code, of ethics and the latest CACREP standards.”

–Kevin A. Freeman, Mercer University

Substance Use Disorders and Addictions
is part of the Counseling and Professional Identity Series. To learn more about each text in the series, please visit
Section I
Chapter 1: Substance Use Disorder and Addiction: Basic and Brief Psychopharmacological and Neuropsychological Review
Central Nervous System

Brain Areas Associated with Substance Use and Addiction

Psychopharmacology: Basics

Interface Between Substance Use, Neuropsychology, and Psychopharmacology: Basic Considerations

Neuropsychology and Counseling Issues

Section II
Chapter 2: Interviewing, Screening, and Assesment
Purpose of Interviewing, Screening and Assesment

Content of the Interview

Screening and Assessment

Special Populations

Chapter 3: Diagnostic Issues
DSM-5 Overview for Substance Related Disorders

Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders

Process Addictions

Special Populations

Chapter 4: Treatment Modalities and Client Placement
Detoxification Services

Inpatient Treatment

Outpatient Treatment

Establishing the Appropriate Level of Care

Multicultural Elements of Treatment Placement and Planning Co-Occurring Levels of Care

Logistics of Treatment Planning

Drug Courts

Special Populations

Section III
Chapter 5: Motivational Interviewing
General Motivational Interviewing Content

Motivational Interviewing Spirit, Principles, & Processes

The Nuts & Bolts of Motivational Interviewing

When is a Client Ready for Change?

Meta-Analyses of Motivational Interviewing: Two Examples

Special Populations

Chapter 6: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Basic Elements

Cognitive Model of Substance Use

Cognitive-Behavioral Session

Examples of Some CBT Techniques

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Meta-Analyses of CBT Effectiveness with Substance Use Disorders: Two Examples

Special Populations

Chapter 7: Family Counseling Interventions
Basic Family Counseling Concepts

Bowenian Theory

Sequential Family Addictions Model

The Addicted Family

Meta-Analyses of Family Systems Interventions: Two Examples

Special Populations

Chapter 8: Existential Counseling
Existential Counseling and Substance Use Disoders

Basic Concepts

Theory of Counseling

Meta-Analysis of Existential Counseling: An Example

Section IV
Chapter 9: 12-Step Philosophy
The 12-Steps and Traditions

Overall Philosophy of the 12-Steps

12-Steps and Counseling

12-Step Themes

12-Step Membership and Meeting Basics

Special Populations

Chapter 10: Relapse Prevention Theories
Basics of the Relapse Prevention Idea

Marlatt’s Model

Dynamic Model of Relapse

Gorski’s CENAPS Model of Relapse Prevention Therapy (CMRPT)

Matrix Model

Special Populations

Chapter 11: Substance Use Disorders and Addictions Couseling Supervision
Overview of Supervision in the Substance Use Disorders and Addiction Counseling Profession

Role of Supervision

Models of Counseling Supervision

Supervision Models Specific for Addictions Counseling

Ethical Concerns Relevant to Addictions Counseling Supervision



Instructor Site

Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:

  • Microsoft® Word test bank, is available containing multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
  • Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course. Highlight essential content and features.
  • Additional case studies that compare different treatment approaches and provide a realistic introduction to the complexities of co-occurring substance use, process addiction, and psychiatric disorders.

“Keith Morgen presents an outstanding updated text on substance use disorders where students will be able to better conceptualize treating the substance use disordered client while adhering to common clinical work flows integrating the DSM-5, the ACA’s 2014 code of ethics and the latest CACREP standards.”

Kevin A. Freeman
Mercer University

“Current, comprehensive and counseling-based, the author provides important information necessary for training professional counselors, both generalists and those who specialize in addictions counseling.” 

Nancy Sherman
Bradley University

“An updated text that focuses not only on the theory, but also the practical applications of the theory.”

Richard S. Takacs
Carlow University

Material covered in text is well organized and accessible for masters level students.

Dr Jennifer Khaw
Social Work, Smith College
April 7, 2022

I adopted this text one year ago and have stuck with it because it is a comphrensive text for students interested in assessment, diagnosing and treating substance use disorders.

Professor Thelma Hodge
Social Work/Human Services, Northern Kentucky University
December 9, 2017

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 3

Chapter 9

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781483370569

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