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Teachers Mentoring Teachers

Teachers Mentoring Teachers
A Practical Approach to Helping New and Experienced Staff

February 2003 | 104 pages | Corwin
`Teachers Mentoring Teachers is timely, practical, and engaging - a welcome addition to the literature on retaining and providing meaningful professional development for teachers' - Sandra R Hurley, Associate Dean Program Director, Literacy Education,

University of Texas, El Paso

Teachers Mentoring Teachers is a guide for mentors, protégés, and schools. John C Daresh presents the role of a mentor not just as a SAGE guiding a novice, but as a responsive equal willing to listen and learn. He maintains this tone throughout the book, creating a foundation for reflection and critical analysis of the effectiveness of mentors and mentoring programmes. Chapters provide readers with an overview of the issues surrounding mentoring programmes, discussing various programmes, their benefits and their drawbacks. The book explores some of the major issues with planning, implementing, and evaluating mentoring programmes, and offers practical advice for professional development.

About the Author
1. Mentoring: A Welcome Teaching Assistant
2. Initial Program Development
3. What Is Our Purpose?
4. Who Is a Mentor?
5. Preparing People to Serve as Mentors
6. Matching Mentors and Proteges
7. What Do Mentors Do?
8. Mentoring for Beginning Teachers
9. Mentoring for Veterans
10. Did the Mentoring Program Work?
11. Moving Beyond Starting Your Mentoring Program
Resource A: Mentoring Quiz Answers
Resource B: Action Panning Form
Suggested Readings

"Teachers Mentoring Teachers is timely, practical, and engaging—a welcome addition to the literature on retaining and providing meaningful professional development for teachers."

Sandra R. Hurley, Associate Dean & Program Director, Literacy Education
The University of Texas at El Paso

For instructors

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ISBN: 9780761945765
ISBN: 9780761945758