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Sage Open Access Initiatives
Sage is the world’s largest independent academic publisher and is committed to global dissemination of research. We have published open access journals for a number of years with the goal of disseminating vital research to the broadest community. Sage’s mission is founded in the belief that education is intrinsically valuable, and the dissemination of useable knowledge is a key foundation in building a healthy society.
In December 2010 we launched Sage Open, the first open access journal spanning across the social and behavioural sciences and humanities, and subsequently launched Sage Open Medicine and Sage Open Medical Case Reports in 2012. 2014 saw the launch of Big Data & Society, Research and Politics and many more titles since including AERA Open, DIGITAL HEALTH, Social Media + Society, and Scars, Burns & Healing.
Find out more about the story of open access at Sage and Sage’s position on open access issues.
Sage’s Open Access Publishing Modes
Sage supports both gold open access publication and green open access archiving:
For definitions of these publication modes, please visit our open access FAQs
Publish your article open access in a Sage subscription journal with Sage Choice
Pure gold open access journals at Sage
What happens if you have no funding?