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How much (and what kind of) technology should be used at school? The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
Los Angeles - From calculators to smart phones, overhead projectors to video surveillance cameras, and microfiche to the Internet, technology continues to evolve in schools. When did technology first appear in education, and where is it going? How do educators decide how much technology to use? Will technology ultimately replace teachers? Answering questions like these–and many more–is The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, examining information on how to leverage the power of technology to support teaching and learning.
Exploring how to approach, adapt, and use innovative technology to help achieve true gains in student performance, even in the face of perpetually evolving devices, services, and techniques, this two-volume encyclopedia focuses on core topics and issues that will retain relevance over time. Readers can peruse more than 300 cross-referenced A-to-Z articles, each written by a distinguished scholar and all organized in a Reader’s Guide within such themes as:
- Adaptive Learning Systems
- Adult Education and Workforce Development
- Digital Literacy Evaluation, Assessment, and Testing
- Game-Based Learning
- Information Tools and Technologies
- Instructional Design and Learning Strategies
- Interactive and Immersive Multimedia
- Mobile Technologies
- Psychological and Social Issues and Perspectives
- Social Media
- Special Education
- Teaching and Learning With Technology
As technology evolves and becomes even more low cost, easy to use, and accessible, the education sector will evolve alongside it. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology is a reliable and precise source on the topic that will stand the test of time. It belongs on the shelves of all academic, school, and public libraries. A FREE 30-day online trial is available at
Editor J. Michael Spector is Professor and former Chair of Learning Technologies in the College of Information at the University of North Texas.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
March 2015 952 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4522-5822-5 Print Price: $375.00
eISBN: 978-104833-4639-7
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